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SAM Magazine-Boulder, Colo., July 7, 2008-Skiing and Ski magazines, both from Bonnier Corp., are reducing their rate bases, starting with their September issues. Skiing will move from a rate base of 400,000 to 300,000, and Ski is going from 450,000 to 400,000.

The circulation reductions will accomplish two things, according to company executives. First, they will better focus the magazines on their key demographics: 18- to 35-year-olds for Skiing, and Baby Boomers for Ski. Second, they reduce the amount of each magazine's circulation that is classified as "verified," as opposed to paid. The circulations of the two magazines in 2007 were as much as 56 percent verified; under the new rate bases, Skiing's verified circulation falls to 25 percent, and Ski's to 22 percent. \