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SAM Magazine—Denver, Colo. Dec. 16, 2013—Positive snow equity from last winter, good early season snowfall this year, and stronger financial news are combining to drive occupancy and revenues at western mountain destinations to one of their strongest starts in memory, according to the most recent data released by the Denver-based DestiMetrics. Data is derived from approximately 290 property management companies in 19 mountain destination communities across Colorado, Utah, California, Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming.

SAM Magazine—Denver, Colo. Dec. 16, 2013—Positive snow equity from last winter, good early season snowfall this year, and stronger financial news are combining to drive occupancy and revenues at western mountain destinations to one of their strongest starts in memory, according to the most recent data released by the Denver-based DestiMetrics. Data is derived from approximately 290 property management companies in 19 mountain destination communities across Colorado, Utah, California, Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming.

As of Nov. 30, on-the-books occupancy for December was up 6.9 percent compared to last December, and revenue was up 13.4 percent for the month. November occupancy and revenues rose 11.6 percent and 12.3 percent, respectively.

As of Nov. 30, reservations for November through April were up 6.4 percent and overall revenue was tracking 12.3 percent ahead, with increases in every month.

“This represents the best early-season performance in several years among most of our destination mountain communities,” noted Ralf Garrison, director of DestiMetrics. “With the winter season in full swing and advance reservation indicators continuing their upward trajectory, mountain resort communities and the entire snowsport industry appear to have all the makings for a Merry Christmas. Just as importantly, as we look down the snowy trail, trends for the remainder of the season are pointing to a Happy New Year as well.”