Mechanical Requirements

  • Push to The Latest: No

Download 2016 Media Kit


Size Width   Depth
1 Page 8-1/2" x 11"
2/3 Page Vert. 4-1/2" x 10"
1/2 Page Horiz. 7" x 4-7/8"
1/2 Page Island 4-1/2" x 7-1/2"
1/2 Page Vert. 3-3/8" x 10"
1/3 Page Vert. 2-1/8" x 10"
1/3 Page Square 4-1/2" x 4-7/8"
1/4 Page 3-3/8" x 4-7/8"
1/6 Page Vert. 2-1/8" x 4-7/8"
1/6 Page Horiz. 4-1/2" x 2-3/8"
1/8 (Business Card) 4-1/2" x 2-3/8"

NOTE: The above are standard display sizes. Other sizes subject to publisher's approval and also to 10% surcharge.

  1. Printing Information: Covers and body forms printed by sheet-fed offset. Editorial material runs on three-column pages or two-column pages. Saddle stitch binding.
  2. Advertising prepared by publication, including key changes, address changes, etc. are rebilled.
  3. Specifications: (Download our digital ad guidelines)
    1. Accepted File Formats: Ads should be submitted as a printable PDF (PDFx) format. The PDF must contain all the necessary information to produce a quality print ad: fonts must be embedded; images are at 300 dpi; and colors are in CMYK mode. Do not use OPI. Crop Marks: When producing the PDF, please include crop marks. Crop marks should not encroach into bleed. The crop marks must extend 9 pts (.125”) outside the image area.
    2. Bleed Ads: Bleeds are available on full page, 2/3 pg and 1/2 pg ads only. For full page ads, our trim size is 8-1/2” wide by 11” deep. Build to trim and extend bleeds .125” beyond trim on all four sides. Maintain a .375” live area inside the trim. Please allow .375” safety on either side of the gutter. Call for dimensions on 2/3 and 1/2 page ads.
    3. Do not stylize fonts in the layout application (ie. bold or italicize using "type style"). Please choose the true font face from the "fonts" list.
    4. Avoid creating gradients from within the layout application.




  1. Furnished insert rates:
    • 2-page (both sides 1 sheet) = $3,000
    • 4-page (both sides 2 sheets) = $5,000
  2. Rates presuppose standard size inserts suitable for machine inserting. Advertiser will be charged mechanical costs incurred on non-conforming inserts.
  3. Untrimmed size: 8-3/4" wide x 11-1/4" deep.
  4. Allow for trim to: 8-1/2" wide x 11" deep.
  5. Insert paper weight should not exceed 100-lb text.
  6. Keep live matter a minimum of 3/8" away from gutter edge.
  7. Sample of insert should be sent in advance to publisher for approval.
  8. Inserts are commissionable and count as one insertion toward r.o.b. frequency.