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November 1982



A big hope chest full of ideas from all around the country.
Prominent representatives from all segments of the ski industry look at the long-range impact of today's energy problems on the future of the sport and buisness.
Editor Dave Rowan reconstructs, step-by-step, the story of how the ski industry rose to meet the challenges of the energy problems, and gives a look toward the future of the industry in a fast changing world.
A report by Jacqueline Kramer on a seminar in the Rockies.
An interesting and permanently useful record, broken down by manufacturer.
The first of a series of humorous illistrations by the ski world's foremost cartoonist, Bob Bugg, on provisions of the ANSI B-77 Tramway Standards. Commisioned by SAM as a public service for safety.
Food editor Richard D. McHugh shows you the way to greater efficiency and great profits in your food service by meaningfully motivating the supervisor.
Sam's idea File Editor gives you a cram course in SCR drives. Are they for you and why?
There's nothing we can do about it but it is pretty interesting to see what ski meteorologists, Joel Myers and Elliot Abrams say about the East's horrible winter last year-and what we can expect this year!
The seond in what will be an extended series. See also page 36
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