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July 1999

A new, simplified pricing program at Cranmore Mountain has meant shorter lines, happier customers and more skier visits.
Community pride in high school ski champions helped inspire a town to donate cash and labor to bring a new lift and new life to a small, non-profit Oregon ski area.
With compasses and clues, people all over the world are participating in hunting games in increasing numbers. Here's a look at how a ski resort can get involved.
In the never-ending quest for making good-quality snow, here's what ski resorts can look forward to in the evolving fan gun market.
Using nature as a backdrop, an art park at Crystal Mountain is lending some culture to the north woods and attracting visitors of all ages.
From racing up mountains to tying knots, the emerging adventure racing scene provides thrills and challenges for all levels. And ski resorts offer the perfect venues.
It was a great year for the record books especially compares to the less-than stellar 1999-2000 season. Great snow and a good economy helped areas both big and small turn a profit.
Twenty years ago, a devastating avalanche took the lives of seven people at Alpine Meadows resort. Here's what happened.
Two Colorado Resorts Get New Operators, ADA Defined More Narrowly, Retail Numbers Slide at the End of the Year, A New Website for First-Timers, SIA Vegas Show Results Up in the Air, Durango Passes First Expansion Hurdle, WestRock Still Plowing Forward, Goodwill Games Are Cancelled, New Website at Canadian Ski Council, Obits, People, Supplier News, Supplier Personnel.
Let the Games Begin- a SAM editorial on the winter Olympics, and An Open Letter to Jim Spring- written by David Rowan about some numbers for the Outdoor Industry Assoc. with a reply from Jim Spring.
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