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September 2002

A new program spearheaded by SIA targets overweight and unhealthy kids.
Tahoe marketers struggle to find an identity and find it staring them in the face.
A photo album of industry gaterhings throughout the past year.
The focus is on providing beginners better transportation and terrain, as well as making existing customers a little more comfortable.
This past spring, both the Cutter's Cup and Cutter Camp tackled the world of freestyle terrain. Here's what's hot.
The annual round-up of special winter sports sections in major metropolitan newspapers and industry-specific magazines across North America.
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New Skier Visit Record. Berthoud Gets Rid of Lifts. Teton Pass Expansion Gets OK. Intrawest Golf Partners With Tamarack. SIA End-of-Season Retail Figures. OSHA Fines Keystone. Saddleback Won't Reopen. SIA Dates Confirmed. Correction. People. Supplier People. Supplier News.
2003 SAMMY award winners announced. Cutter's Camp excitement, presented by SAM magazine and Timberline Lodge, Oregon.
The Beginner Experience-Don't Lose Focus, by Michael Berry. A Voyeuristic Eye for Figures, by David Rowan.
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