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December 1971

Who were the big winners in last season's record-breaking numbers, both in skier visits and profitability? The answer may surprise you.
Steamboat Ownership Dispute Continues. Snow Monsters Hit the Airwaves. Vail and Intrawest Split on Keystone. Three Resorts on the Block? Helmet Bill for Mass? Who Owns the Top of Lone Peak? Keystone Expands. Obituaries. People. Supplier People. Supplier News.
The 7th annual SAMMY awards are available for nominations. Rental World will be sponsored again by SAM at SIA's Vegas Show Jan 26-29.
There must be something I don't understand, by Jeff Harbaugh. A New Initiative, by Kim Seevers, PSIA East. Looking Ahead, a SAM editorial.
Coming off a soggy season for many, mountain resorts are looking to improve summer business in 2004.
Is it getting hot around here? It's time to keep winter cool. It's time for diversity. Sneak Attack. Tamarack on the rebound? Tempest in a teapot-er, Helmet. This town's not big enough for the both of us. Into the wild jet-blue yonder. Advertising in the national forest.
Battery-powered grease, brake adjustments and unbreakable seats are some of the great ideas from creative ski resorts.
No one has an incentive to fix the ACL problem.
Funny pictures from around the industry.
Uniforms should be considered one of your most important marketing strategies. Here's whats new.
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