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November 1980



An obituary for a ski industry pioneer, Cliff Blann of Mt. Bachelor, Oregon.
In order to be successful in selling more people on various winter sport recreation options, the industry must first sell the public on winter and mountains as a romantic, aesthetic and healthy alternative to warm climates.
A review of the book "FLOW: The Psychology of Optimal Experience," by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, relating its message to skiing.
Regional and state ski areas associations need to see themselves as catalysts for collective action.
Though availability is no longer a problem as most ski factories now build shaped skis for rental use, the bad news is that few are set up to build them at rental prices.
A summary of topics covered at the 1st International Convention of Ski Resort Managers in Courchevel, France.
Annoyed by an intersection that increasingly impeded traffic at the gateway to Vail, community members solved their problem with roundabouts.
Tom Moriarty of Stratton, Vt., gets the groomer out of the garage in the summer by adding modifications which allow it to mow grass as well.
A panel of ski marketers and writers answer questions about credibility --or lack thereof--in the ski business at a meeting of the Eastern Ski Writer's Association.
An analysis of the events surrounding the future of Lift Engineering and its Yan detachables, as well as options available to resorts currently operating Yan lifts.
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