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May 1985



Ron Ratnik goes into the critical decision of selecting the correct thickness for snowmaking pipe. Mistakes cost money!
Norm McKinnon spells out how many areas perhaps most are losing a shocking 10 percent or more off the top to theft.
A timely and important special 6-page section on the all-important subject of lift grips. First, some thoughts by Howard Anderson of WASIP, together with Part One of this labor of love, the inventorying of all grips still in use..Also, an illistrated description by Technical Editor, Nils Ericksen, on grip testing (page 48)...followed by a review of new devices for grip testing and moving.
- Ed Moran of popular science Magazine explores the application of alternate energy sources to ski area needs.
n energgy specialist, Locke Bogart, who is also a long-time ski patrolman, pulls no punches as he gives his "educated opinion" on what the energy future holds for our industry.
A vital, crosstabulated listing that will be referred to constantly during the year.
We once again present the box score for new lifts across North America. An important index maintained by SAM for 16 years.
In response to several requests, we follow up Howard Anderson's article in Fall SAM with some inspection reports that can be useful.
Barbara Wicks describes the summer arts programs at Snowbird.
John Hitchcock analyzes the tennis boom at eastern ski areas and finds it may be too much.
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