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September 1989



Cathy Robbins, a longtime industry insider, writes from her current point of view as a member of the public with two small children, pointing out the gap between the image the ski industry has of itself and what the consumer all too often encounters.
Les Otten and Skip King, in typical breezy fashion, apply "STEEP" analysis--considering the social, technical, environmental, economic and political aspects of the marketplace--to the ski/snowboard industry.
Courchevel, in the French Alps, hosts an international conference of ski resort managers on its 50th birthday to address issues currently facing the ski industry.
How Sandia Peak, N.M., dealt with the tragedy of a death resulting from a collision between a teenage skier and snowboarder.
Suggestions for a sample learning park for beginning snowboarders.
How Whakapapa Ski Area in New Zealand coped with the eruption of nearby Mt. Ruapehu volcano.
A hilarious review of snowboarder Frederick Lenz's book "Surfing the Himalayas," as told by his "agent," on the prowl for a movie deal.
A review of John Jerome's examination of the remarkable life of Dick Durrance: his skiing career, his filmmaking career and further adventures.
A review of Glenn Parkinson's "documentary" presentation of eight short stories from Maine skiing heritage.
Other options for winter fun are out there besides skiing and snowboarding: in Vermont, Bromley introduces the Devalkart, and Killington opens the winter High Country Touring Center.
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