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September 1986



Charlie Meyers reports on a very active tennis program.
Teddee Grace explores the case history of how successful Mt. Telemark is with them.
Sally Moore reports on the Alpine Slide at Mt. Attitash.
Starting a six-page inquiry into various summer activities that can spell summer profits for ski areas. The central piece is by General Editor Janet Nelson.
Ted Farwell gives us his insights into the results of the new NSAA study.
Ski travel writer Abby Rand discusses what I should go into this important tool for the ski writer.
Technical Editor Nils Ericksen explains relative humidity.
Marketing Editor Colleen Cayton comes to grips with the difficult subject of how areas can make this medium works for them.
Planner raymond Rodgers took a busman's holiday in August. Here, unedited and uncut, are Dr. Rodgers' witty, blunt and eminently readable comments on some of the things he saw. You don't have to agree with him; but you will find he has interesting things to say.
A look at some of the innovative ways that some areas are using NASTAR.
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