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September 1989



How to increase your lift capacity when terrain gives you trouble
Putting aerial rescue methods to the test at Stowe, VT
A look at what's coming at the NSAA meeting in Waterville Valley
Chronicling the Great George, N.J., story, with Jack, Hef and Otto
The do's and don't of organizing an area race program
Nine areas in the West combine their promotional punch to prove that spending less earns more.
Vermont's ski areas are reeling under the impact of environmental control, a cause célére that puts their future in doubt.
Tucked away in bucks country, Pa., a ski area on the rise tries a new twist from trash.
How do you keep 100 instrucotrs happy, make 68,000 tyros into skiers and turn 710,000 in sales? Ask Vail's Jerry Muth.
Just how effective is your snowmaking operation? Chart your own inputs and find out.
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